
Monday, July 8, 2013

ADVERTISE! {Personal Blog Swaps}

Hi lovies!
I just wanted to update you all on some changes to my Sponser/Advertise System!

I hate charging other personal blogs and i think its so silly!
Buying ad spots are for businesses who want to pay to advertise like normal businesses and gain more exposure therefore selling more products......

Blogs dont need to pay to gain exposure!

I love my blog friends and would love to help out as i can!

SO, all you do is "purchase" the ad spot titled "Blog Swaps". Then put in the promo code "SWAPS", and it should be FREE! But BE sure to grab my button located in my lefthand side bar!

Your ad will run for 30 days and you can "purchase" the ad as often as you'd like!!

{As seen on my Advertise page}

i would love to help gain you exposure!!
Just purchase an ad spot listed below!!

If you'd LIKE to purchase an ad spot, feel free! OR, for blogs, i do swaps! All you do is "purchase" the Blog Swap ad, use code "SWAP" and BE SURE TO GRAB MY BUTTON located in the left hand side bar :)

 I work hard to make my blog interesting and keep my exposure growing. I visit all my sponsor's blogs often and try to help spread the word on anything needing to be spread like giveaways that you are doing and such.
My sponsors mean alot to to me and get the best treatment :)


As Of  July 8th, 2013
Guys i am so excited about this new sponsoring system! Have you heard of Passion Fruit Ads?? Basically it makes sponsoring SO much easier!!
All you do:
1. Buy the ad size you want
2. Upload your banner
3. Enter your link

So simple for you too!!
    I would LOVE to do a giveaway on this blog also. I am only going to host giveaways for this that will benefit my readers and interest them. Most of my readers are parents.
so email me if you are interested in either!


  1. Hey pretty lady! I'd love to swap buttons with you! Your code isn't working, but I don't mind paying the $1 :))


  2. I will be trying this out as soon as I can. I went to get my credit card and low and behold my significant other has it with him. Bummer, I will have to try later. I need more followers.

  3. I would like to grab your button and put in on my blog but I'm not sure how that is done. Can you explain or send me a link to an easy explanation? Thanks girl!!


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