Monday, June 18, 2012

LAST Week In Phone Pics!

Always a week behind i am... i cant keep up!
Make sure to follow me on INSTAGRAM! 
[[ @ChristaCox3 ]]
 Yard selling and drinking lemonade!

 Chris Cagle concert. Its normal to wear 2 different shoes right? lol
 20 week belly! 
 Boating on my birthday!

 Was home 10 minutes to change and pick me up to go to our appt.... got booted for parking by OUR driveway.THANK you kind neighbor who called it in.. God bless your sweet soul. Maybe you can send us a check sense you just gave a $65 bill to the family who couldn't even afford groceries this week. Go you!
(yes im still bitter about that ordeal)
 20 Weeks!
 Holding down the Hatch hotel with Nikki and Jarome were at the hospital all night with their baby :( He is just fine now but it was indeed a scary night.

 The many faces of me :)
 Carnival time! Night #1

 Cutest babies ever!
 Parade time!

 Carnival night #2! Blackhawk concert!
(Braylee's first concert)

Ive been getting some comments about my "duck face" lol
 (nothing mean, except for one on my blog that was pretty rude) lol. 

Photo one: normal face. Photo two: mouth closed/lips together, not puckering at all.
Naturally, my fat lower lip pushes up my top lip. So the slightest "pucker" gets a little intense lol. Granted yes, i do make those faces a lot... but most of the "duck face" is involuntary lol.

Not like i even care what rude people think. I will make whatever faces i want to make as often as i want to make them! Cuz well, its MY blog. So neener neener!
Vote For Us @!


Christa Cox said...

i WISH i knew what neighbor called it in. the guy who booted us just told us he wouldnt have even came but where someone called it in, by law, he had to. AH! So frustrating.
it was parked in front of OUR driveway, out of the way, for FIVE minutes when they called it!

Anonymous said...

If you can't afford groceries why are you having another kid? I don't understand people's logic on that.

Christa Cox said...

i was going to ignore your rude comment and not publish it as i do with all my rude anonymous comments..
but ill choose to address this one.

We couldnt afford groceries that ONE week. Things happen in life that people cant control like unexpected expenses, less hours that week so the paycheck is smaller... things like that. Maybe a death in the family, had to make an unexpected road trip.. medical issues... things like that. Its life.

We COULD afford another kid when we decided to have one.. and still can afford it. We just ran into a financial rough patch that wont last long.

If you didnt intend for your comment to be rude, and was really just curious (i find that had to believe.. but just maybe..)I hope this helps in explaining that you dont know the personal trials others go through.
And maybe you should be a little more kind hearted and THINK before you say such rude things.


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