About/Contact/Social Networks

My name is Christa :)
 im 30. 
Live in Utah. 
Mommy to Braylee who is 10, and Baiden, who is 6! 

Im a blogger, Youtuber, and Unofficial Mommy Makeover coach!
I'm PASSIONATE about health and fitness and run a successful fitness instagram & Youtube where i inspire and help others. 
I also own my own business helping others create income for themselves working part time from home!

Im a fitness fanatic who also has Hypothyroidism (Hashimotos to be exact). But regardless, have lost 100 lbs and in April, had a tummy tuck done to remove all the skin i was left with.

I blog because its my therapy. Its my way to get the things i hold inside out. My diary. I say whats on my mind and how i feel. It CAN be hand putting so much of my life out in the internet world and leaves me vulnerable to mean people... but hearing from others how i help them is a HUGE reason WHY i am so open!

I blog about our every day life! 
 Our trials, our joys, our ups, our downs. 
My thoughts, my struggles, my inspirations, my encouragement. 

Just everything :) 
You'll also find relationship stuff, health and fitness, beauty, recipes, link ups, 
and everything in between!


Social Networks!/Contact Me!

Email: Chrissyann336@yahoo.com


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