Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Your AGE is showing......

You all know me... im not afraid to be controversial, so on that note.....

I read THIS blog post.
Its about how everyone is FREAKING out about this new barbie.
She has TATTOOS...........

Chill out.
Your age is showing.

Times are changing. People dress different then they did in the pioneer days. We eat different food, we say different words.. ITS OK!!

If your going to put up such a stink about CHANGE then go back to wearing outdated Pilgrim dresses and boomers, Never show any skin, make your own dang bread, grow crops, and whatever else pleases your sweet little heart.

Ok i know that is a little EXTREME but you get my point. What do you think is gonna happen from your complaining??

People need to just RELAX.
You dont have to AGREE but why judge and freak out.
Your gonna die at an early age from a stroke or something.

But it got me thinking... 

People now a days need to RELAX! Who freaking cares. WOOOSA! Everybody has got to be flipping out about something so stupid.

Who freaking cares if a dude wants to marry a dude. Who cares if people turn their body into art work. Who cares if someones skin color is different than yours!? How the eff word does it effect you in any way shape or form. GET OVER IT!

Who are you to tell others how THEY should live their life. You dont have to agree but keep your mouth shut, no one cares for your opinion. Why make someone feel like they are NOTHING just because YOU dont agree. People are KILLING THEMSELVES because of how people treat them. HOW IS THIS OK??!!

It just breaks my heart how mean and judgmental people can be. And to look at the reality of all these suicides happening just because people dont agree and make a decision to make their life a living hell.

I think this toki whatever barbie is beautiful. I think every human being is beautiful. Whether they are tattooed, gay, transgender, black, white, handicapped, whatever.... everyone is beautiful. There is no ONE idea of beauty. There is no ONE idea of whats "right" or "wrong".

Parent dont want their girls looking up to this barbie and thinking this is ok.. well guess what... they see things like this in every day life. Kids, no matter what, will see and learn and start making their own decisions. Choose their own life and how they want to live it.
No matter how hard you try to shelter them.
which is stupid.

Everyone has their own opinions, their own lifestyle.
And one day, i hope we all can can just accept each other.

Why cant we all just love and accept each other??


Carrie said...

Amen Sister!! Loved this post. Seriously, loved.

I thought the same thing about people's craziness over that barbie.

Don't you think its a little crazy for people to be so upset about it saying that they don't want their daughters to look up to Barbie in that form and think its ok to have tattoos and pink hair...but they are ok with them looking up to and wanting to be like a "regular" barbie?!!?

Christine Pettijohn said...

Amen! I love this post. I think that Barbie looks neat and different. Just because people have tattoos does not mean they are bad. Good for you for posting this.

Daddy Knows Less said...

Thanks for the link! I think those pilgrim outfits might make a comeback... ya never know!

Anonymous said...

Amen! I LOVE this post! I actually like the new Barbie... I don't understand why people are making such a big deal about it. If they don't like it, they don't have to buy it.

Christa Cox said...

thanks guys :)
@daddyknowsless, haha ill be first in line for those outfits ;)
bellbottoms came back.. ill keep an eye out ;)

Therese said...

<3 this post! As a tattooed person, I obviously have no problem with this barbie, but am seriously offended the way people are freaking out over it. Barbie wears some outfits I would never caught dead in, but I don't complain or call her names or get up in arms over the fact my daughter may want to wear a mini dress where you can almost see her crotch because barbie has one on. I'd rather get my daughter this tastefully dressed barbie than many others I have seen.

Angela said...

I didn't even hear about this barbie until I read this post. I thik it's awesome, I love it. And for those who don't want their daughters looking at this as a role model...I say who cares! There are girls who look like this now that I bet when they were little kids didn't even know what a tattoo was. So whether they play with a tattoo covered barbie or a doctor barbie, there is still a chance that they will cover themselvess with tats when they are older! Just ask my 20 year old cosins who are covered in tats and are still wonderful young ladies!

Melissa @ knit purl baby said...

Yeah people were making such a huff about this Barbie but it's not even being marketed to kids. It's more for collectors anyway!

I totally agree with you. Are we just going to shield your kid's eyes every time you walk by a person with tattoo's because YOU don't think it's appropriate? You'll be doing a whole lotta shielding.

melissa @ knit purl baby

Giggle Business said...

also u missed out that if people are so judgemental then all theyhave to do is not buy it. so what a toy has tats action man had guns!

Nikki Darlin' said...

I love that Barbie. I would so buy it for my daughter and tell her it looks like mommy.

Kodi said...

Thank you so much for posting this! I love my tattoos, and I hate when people that don't have them hate on mine. I don't care one way or the other if a person has tattoos, but they seem to think it's the end of the world.

This Barbie is finally starting to go in the right direction. They are starting to show individuality and teach girls that you DON'T have to be the stereo-typical Barbie doll.

Sorry, just had to vent:)

Anonymous said...

Isn't barbie a bonafide slut? SHe certainly dresses like one! How is it okay to expose our little girls to the skimpy outfits barbie wears? I don't even want to get into how perfectly skinny and pretty she is....I don't get it!!!!

Darby Hawley said...

haha I agree! Can't the world move onto something more important to complain about? lol

The Cheese Thief said...

This barbie is pretty cool.

Stopping by from the blog hop. I'm a new follower.


deanna@delirious-rhapsody said...

hahaha....my dad actually had me order this barbie for my mom for christmas because she HATES tattoos. and well, me and my dad kind of like them. barbie is sitting on my kitchen counter as i type, and i have to say, i really like her.

Renee said...

Wow, iv never seen this barbie before, i love it!!! Awesome post!! People are def' always going to find something to complain about, if only because it makes them feel important. I don't think we'l ever be able to please everyone!! :(

Anonymous said...

I actually haven't seen this Barbie- but I love her!
Great post.

Tracy said...

i agree with everything you said! people truly need to chill and stop being so judgemental!

Anonymous said...

If you dont like it, you dont have to buy it. Tattoo Barbie, candy sticks (look just live cigarettes), guns, etc. Parents are what the kids look up to any how, no matter how much they deny it. Parents are the ones that should be teaching what is appropriate/acceptable - or not. In general people are too judgemental and non accepting. To many fingers being pointed and tears being shed. Open your eyes and hearts people! To each their own. If it isn't hurting anybody, what do anyones action or choices have to do with you. Live and let live, love and be loved.

Anonymous said...

Tattoos are seriously only the begining of questionable attributes barbie has... Totally disporportionate, to tall, to thin, perfect tan, perky boobs, tooth pick waist... You want reality? Shrink about a foot, gain 20 lbs, how about some acne, wrinkles, strech marks, bags under the eyes etc. Bottom line, sex sells. They dont have drug attic, alcoholic, teen mom, abusive, cheating barbie. These to are real life things. They just wouldnt get promoted. I am not for or against tattoo barbie... It is what it is. Make your peace with it and move on.

Sheri said...

I am so out of the barbie loop. I love this barbie actually. You made some really great points. I do think the world is allowing too much to slip through it's filters these days with affairs and internet opening up disgusting worlds we wouldn't otherwise have access to but a barbie with tattoos? Seriously, some people just need a good hobby or some good lovin' ;-)

Unknown said...

I had no idea there was a new Barbie with tattoos!

I actually think it is great! Personally I only have one tattoo and it is so tiny and behind my ear so it isn't even noticeable unless I have my hair up.

But I think the world is change and nowadays a lot of people have tattoos, piercings, weird color hair, dress strangely, and you know what I feel that is okay.

I think the new barbie is about self expression and it is great!

Love, Chelsea said...

This post made me so happy. Now if only Barbie would eat a burger I'd be really happy ;) jk

jessica ♥ The Fevered Pen said...


Also: I want that Barbie. She is awesome.

Daddy Knows Less said...

Just a quick second comment to thank you for all of the page hits. I got a good number from your link. You're a powerful woman...like Tokidoki Barbie. I'm never messing with either of you.

Anonymous said...

I have been seeing the uproar about this barbie all over the internet! I am not covered in tattoos.. but I do have a few and frankly I would rather my daughter play with her than the BRATZ dolls who have next to nothing on. My daughter puts on temporary tattoos all the time and so do a lot of children we know. Are these parents going to cover their children's eyes when a tattoo'd person walks by? I find it rude that there is even a debt about it. If you dont like this barbie, its simple..don't buy it for your child.


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