Tuesday, February 14, 2012

*The Importance of FAMILY*

Im going to break the cycle and NOT post about mooshy gooshy love stuff :)

Lets talk about FAMILY <3 <3 <3

I think its safe to say that EVERYONE knows that family time is important,
but i don think we realize HOW important it is.

I come from a VERY family based family, religious even, and was always taught the importance of family. But i think that we get so busy with our lives that we forget about things like sitting down as a family to eat dinner.

 Now i dont have older kids but im sure it gets even harder to have family togetherness when each kid has their own sports, each parent probably has jobs, then there is school, it gets crazy

It becomes so easy to just pop a movie in for the kid(s) to keep them occupied. To get caught up in our own shows we like, or blogging for us bloggy moms. Our noses are stuck in our iphones and ipads and kindle craps and kindle fires and whatever other technology there is.

I encourage everyone to have more "family" time. Sit and read to your kids, have family meals, WITH NO TV. Communicate. Ask you kids how their day was. Things like that.

Here are some statistics
(link to where i got my info at bottom)
    • Spending time in everyday family leisure activities is associated with greater emotional bonding within the family. 
    • Children in families that participate in religious activities together are more likely to report seeing expressions of love and affection between their parents. 
    • Parents of families in which both the parents and children attend religious services are more likely to know their children’s social networks.  

    • Children’s academic success is associated with having mothers who frequently communicated with them. 
    • Children whose fathers spend time with them doing activities tend to have better academic performance.
    • Adolescents whose parents are involved in their lives tend to exhibit fewer behavioral problems. 

    • Youths who communicate, do activities and have close relationships with their parents are less likely to engage in violence. 
    • Teens who frequently have dinner with their families are at a lower risk for substance abuse.
    • Teens whose parents are home with them after school and in the evening are less likely to experience emotional distress. 

I feel SOO blessed to have such an amazing husband who is SUCH an amazing father. He is SO playful and involved. I dont have to tell him to be involved.
I also feel so blessed to come from such an amazing family. A large family so i know how hard it can be to have "family time" but my mom did such an amazing job. And STILL to this day, my mom loves to plan family events. 

So even though our lives get SO busy, 
lets make a bigger effort at setting aside time for family.  :)


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Courtney B said...

Your family is precious!

Shary said...

Those statistics. Man. My mom was single mom of two and although my father did send child support, my mom had to work two jobs to keep us out of the bad neighborhoods. I love her and I think she did very well considering, but at the same time she wasn't around much and although she cared and asked about school and such I wound off going on some pretty rough paths growing up. Perhaps my choices had something to do with the lack of constant family bonding. I only hope I can do better with my daughter (and any others that come along).

And Courtney is right, your family is precious!

Unknown said...

aww I love family time.


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