Friday, May 20, 2011

Momma In Focus-having fun

One Day At A Time
This weeks prompt was having fun! which worked out just dandy! Casey over at "One Day at a Time" blog forgot to post before hand what the prompt was, and i didnt even think to check! But i was going to do a post on this anyway so here we go! and dont forget to go link up and get behind that camera! :)
My daughter is VERY playful thanks to her father. I am so worried for the future, i hope she isnt an adrenaline junkie (loves anything that gets your heart pumping) like her father. Jeff has always liked four wheeling and now MX (dirt bikes). But he didnt just enjoy four wheeling, he had to be jumping things and going fast and being crazy.. he has pictures of him jumping 67ft. Popping wheelies, all that.
So because Braylee get so stir crazy in the house we try to get out and play alot when the weather calls for it. Its been raining alot here in utah (its is currently raining too), so on this sunny day we had to get out. We are lucky and live in an amazing neighborhood filled with many kids braylee's age, grassy areas to play, and like 3 different parks in our town home area. (not to mention the park area in the houses complex area next to us and a new AMAZING park that they just built with water fountains and everything only like a mile 1/2 away.. something like that).

I think its really important as parents to play with our kids also. So many times we go to play dates or take them to a park to play and we just sit on the bench and take pictures. Or sit on a blanket with all the other parents and chat. But believe me.. its really nice to sit around and have adult conversation with other adults instead of only talking to 2 year olds about bugs and coloring and poopy diapers. So dont get me wrong its good to chat too. My point is that playing with your children is good too. Plus it probably keeps us younger when we stay young at heart :) Plus, for us, i dont know if we are going to have any more kids, and although braylee is almost always with other kids with me babysitting and having all the neighbor kids around, i think its important for me to jump in and play with her alot so she doesnt get bored lol.
 Bray biffed if and scrapped her alread scraped knee from the previous week :(
 i love all the faces she makes

 Yay for sunny days! I wish the weather would stay this perfect (as its raining outside). Im so excited for this summer and playing all the time outside :)

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Unknown said...

Following back from the hop:)
Love your blog, your little munchkin is ADORABLE!

Casey Martinez said...

I LOVE ALL of these pictures. You did such a fantastic job capturing the fun and love between you two. She is such a little beauty!! My gal has too much energy sometimes too. I think she also got it from her;0. Great captures and thanks for linking up!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Hanna said...

Cute, cute pictures! She is so darling!

Olga Marquez said...

Beautiful pictures girlfriend!

ouchie on the boo boo =(, but looks like you guys still had a great time together!

Mrs. Pancakes said...

Following back from the hop! I bow down to you with all your responsibilities at such a young age! I'm inspired!

Gina Kleinworth said...

How FUN! Absolutely fantastic captures!


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