Monday, July 25, 2011

Our week in Phone pics {{photo dump}}

i didnt do this last week so here is our last couple weeks in blackberry pics!

 for some reason i have been obsessed with the sky lately. Or weather... scenery like that.

 Me and jeff had our first date night sense our anniversary which was last year in November!! Sad i know haha. As much as we love our little Braylee, its REALLY nice to be able to go out to dinner and not have to worry about chasing a toddler, trying to handle temper tantrums, try to entertain her, things like that! We REALLY need to make it a point to go on dates more often thats for sure.
 We went to 7 peaks a few days ago on saturday and brough my niece along! They sure do love the slides.
 Getting ready for a girls night out! I had NEVER gone out dancing at a club so i was super excited! We had so much fun.
 Family get together with Jeff's family


Shana said...

I love pics of the sky. The rainbow is awesome. Hi! Just stopping by. Following you from Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop. Would love a visit and a follow back: I also 'liked' your FB and would love a visit and a 'like' back on my page: We are having a fantastic iPad 2 giveaway and I hope you will enter if you haven’t already! Thanks!

oomph. said...

this is so fun...i love random pics like these. i take pics of the sky all the time...i have major arhives full of sky pics, and flower pics, and ocean pics, lol!



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