Saturday, November 12, 2011


Are you ready for it??
Are you sure!?
K well here it comes!!

So i hope this news isnt a disappointment to those of you who are thinking this is a "IM PREGNANT!" post cuz its not. Its even better! Haha ok so myabe not BETTER but, with this big news we can consider baby news. Anywho.. k here it is.

For the first time in 9 FREAKING MONTHS............
HALLE-freaking-LUJAH !

Im trying not to get my hopes up cuz i have an auto immune thyroid disorder so basically my body can decide to destroy my thyroid some more at any time. BOO.

I guess HERE is where i will start my weight loss journey.
I know ive already come a long way sense ive had Braylee but im still 30 pounds over weight and that is NOT ok. I dont feel like myself and i will not settle for less.
I just want to be healthy.
not skinny. HEALTHY!
and comfortable in my own skin!

But along the baby note.
Braylee is almost 2 1/2 years old. So age spacing wise, we are in the clear for me to get pregnant. But i always said i want my thyroid under control before i get pregnant. And now it is... so i guess we are in the clear there too.....
BUT. I dont feel ready yet. I want my thyroid to be under control for a few months.
Im scared of loosing another baby. 
My Endocrinologist said that by getting pregnant my thyroid will go out of control again and ill need to go in like every 2 weeks to get my levels monitored but if my thyroid is too high or too low, my baby will have disabilities.
So all im hearing is that i will probably miscarry and i will probably have a disabled baby.
We MIGHT be done having kids. 
Regardless. Im just not ready yet. 

Having all that being said... lets talk about WORKING OUT!!
Lately ive been doing TurboFire and i LOVE it!
I cant decide if INSANITY was more intense or not but Chalene Johnson is definitely more fun!

Girls: If you still look CUTE after working out... YOU DIDNT WORK HARD ENOUGH!

I recently just got a gym pass and my focus at the gym is to build muscle. Ill continue my turbofire at home but focus on weights at the gym at least 3 times a week.

When girls are trying to loose weight they think CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO. But this is SOOO wrong!
Building muscle is probably THE BEST thing you can do for your body.
Because the more muscle you have, the more cals you burn when you are doing nothing like sleeping, and sitting on the couch. And who wouldnt want to be buring calories 24/7?!
You still need cardio of course but DONT NEGLECT YOUR MUSCLES! 

If your worried about getting "bulky" just use lower weights with higher reps! Simple.

Of course dieting is in there somewhere..
But i think diets are so stupid..
Im not saying eat but im saying you need to make a LIFESTYLE change.
"Diets" should be continued through out your life time but im talking about eating lots of food. Lots of natural food. Clean eating for say. Pack yourself full of veggies and fruits and LIMIT your carbs, not DEPRIVE.
Sugar is NOT that terrible. Get over it. Of course candy is bad, and other things like that but if your sprinkling a little sugar on your cheerios... ITS O-KAY!
REWARD yourself!
Diets are so freaking depressing...
Eat normal. and healthy.
and WORK OUT!!!!

Working out is SOO good for you.
Good for your heart, your EMOTIONS. It relieves stress and raises endorphin's making you HAPPY!


Dont sit around "dieting" being lazy.


dramaticmama said...

LMAO! You tricked me, I totally thought that you were going to tell us your pregnant. :O
BUT still great news! I recently joined Curves, and honestly, it feels SO good afterwards. I gotta loose some baby weight as well. Need to loose 35-40 lbs. Good luck to you!!! :)
Also? I LOVE those pictures!! lol. Your cute!

Tori Baldridge said...

I couldn't agree more! I love working out. It makes me happy and energized all day long :)
Keep up your hard work! It pays off

The Dayleys said...

I'm excited for you!! Hopefully your thyroid levels will stay normal :) good luck with exercising and eating well :) I hope the pounds start shedding off for you!

Alaythea said...

Insanity is WAY more intense then Turbo Fire. TF is more fun though. But I'll tell you this - even when I'm eating right I have NEVER lost more then a couple of pounds on TF. It just doesn't work for me. I do it to break up my routine and "maintain" but when I need to lose weight I do Insanity and the weight falls off!

Sheri said...

That is the best news! Good for you no matter how long it lasts. You totally rock in your workout photos. You look fantastic already woman!

Ana {Oh Simply Loving You!} said...

I am not going to lie, I thought this was the pregnancy announcement! I lost 30 pounds by eating the right portions (not dieting) and exercising... When I heard my doctor told me it would be dangerous for me to get pregnant at my weight, I knew I needed to do something. Great post, thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Totally understand where you are coming from with the health problems! I have really bad asthma and it seems I can never fully get it under control!

I hope everything works out if you guys decide to have kids again! Braylee is such a cutie!

And I definitely need to exercise too! And eat better. Good luck with everything! I know you will do great!

Heather said...

I loved this post. Not only because I am super happy your thyroid counts are back to normal (what a BLESSING!) but I love everything you said about weight loss. I am in the exact same boat, I just need to lose 10-20 lbs to be healthy. I am happy with the way I LOOK, but not the way I feel. I have a bad back problem (Spondylolisthesis) and I need to get the extra pressure OFF my spine. Insert eat healthier, hit the gym, and get those pounds off! Good luck friend :)

Nikki Darlin' said...

That's super great to hear. Hope it all stays normal for ya. You look great!

jessica ♥ The Fevered Pen said...

Great news!!!

kyna... said...

Good for you Christa! I am so so happy to hear that great news about your thyroid levels!! XOXOXO
♥ Kyna

Renee said...

Thats Awesome bout your thyroid!!! I hope it stays at a normal level for ya!! Fantastic advice too!! :)

Shirley Donalds said...

I'm so happy for you!

Over 9 years was on different synthetic thyroid drugs. About 4 yrs ago started having bad news with diarrhea, constipation, fatigue. Then last year horrible aches and pains, very low temperature. Pointed out to my doctor abnormal t3s and t4s which he never noticed. After taking every diagnostic test and even CT scans I was finally prescribed natural thyroid supplements. I have my life back again. Unbelievable.


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