Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Shelby: Christmas DIY Wooden Vase

Hi pretties! I'm Shelby Osmond and i have a Christmas DIY Tutorial for you today that i'm really excited to share! When I think of Christmas I think of a natural, organic smell and what better to bring that smell into your home than a wooden vase. Here is a short tutorial on how to create your own wooden vase or give it as a present! What you'll need: -Small branches -Wood glue -Vase -Brown spray paint-non-slick paint -plastic ornament
1. We first went to the mountains, picked up a couple of dead tree limbs and brought them home to be cut into 1 inch thick chips.
2. After they were cut we got a regular glass vase and sanded it down. Note: We sanded it down so that when we glued on the wood chips there would be texture to form to, instead of just sliding off the glass. 3. Use wood glue to glue on the wood chips: Note: This is the most fun trying to get the chips to fit its like a puzzle. 4. To make the glass look more uniform we spray painted the inside brown with a non-slick paint. 5. Sand plastic ornaments and glue on chips {same as before} 
Enjoy your new organic vases, hope you'll stop by and say hello!
Our looks is little more woodsy, but hey we saved $139 


Heather said...

Love this vase... Definitely adding this to my long craft list. :)

A Young Wife's Tale: Wordless-ish Wednesday: Snuggle Bug

Anonymous said...

nice post. Now you can use this business listing india directory to promote wood crafts import & export business.

Unknown said...

I love this!!!! Sooo cute!!! I am definitely going to need to make this soon!!


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