Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How I Lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks VLOG!

We are BAAAACK from our week long vacation!
I am sad but at the same time happy to be back in my own home and own bed with REGULAR food haha.

So make sure to be checking my blog for the next week or so for all my post, MILLIONS of amazing pictures and videos!

In the mean time... enjoy my fitness vlog that was SUPPOSED to go with my post last saturday 
where i yell at you all :)

And also, i will be doing another fitness update/motivation post this saturday! 

And seriously....
check out them biceps at the end of the vid.

MAN i have A LOT of blogging catching up to do from all the lovely blogs i follow.
So be ready for me to stalk you ;)

Oh and make sure you subscribe to my youtube channel!
Found --> hErE<----


Mallorie said...

Yay! You can do it! But not me, I'll be fattening it up for the next while. ;)

Hall Around Texas said...

You're the cutest!!!! Seriously!

Hall Around Texas said...

Oh and major congrats on the 5 pounds and keep up the good work! Your video is motivating!!!

kyna... said...

You are adorable Christa! Keep at it!
♥ Kyna

Melanie said...

You are the freakn Flipppn most adorable mama ever! You are just FABULOUS. OMGosh! Ok. I'm done w/ that part.

I am so flippn proud of you girl!
I too have a waaaay underactive thryroid, & I think my dose is still to low. I feel you on the whole trying to loose weight thing. I am so happy for you! Dude, if I had a million dollars I would pay you to be my work out partner. Serioulsy, (even w/ my thyroid stuff) I would be like 110lbs in a week! Well, not really, but you know what I mean.) You have seriously inspired me. I'm tired of feeling like crap. I have been working out, but not as hard as I could. I am gonna push it to the max. You have inspired me tons!

Btw, the dance party.... genius!

Melanie said...

Darn. Forgot to connect my comment to my email. Xo

Anonymous said...

I have been following your blog for a while, but I haven't commented much, so you probably won't recognize me.

I love your Christmas tree!

Congrats on your weight loss!

Ashley from Sloanbook said...

Hahaha you crack me up! I watchd the whole thing and I like your dance party at the end!!! Too bad we can't do Zumba together because I like to dance like that toooo hahhaha. And I am so getting a gym membership after I get back from my trip after Christmas. BOO YAH! Working out feels great!!!

Unknown said...

Hi...I just popped over from the weekend blog hop...I love your blog! Would love if you could head over my way and check my families journey out @ & please don't forget to hit the "like" button for Facebook!
Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

I seriously love you! You are hilarious! Congrats on the weight loss!

I really need to start working out! The funny thing is that I have the time but I am so lazy! Having my asthma problems for over a year that prevented me from working out definitely was no good!

I think I am going to start doing my Flirty Girl fitness videos again! I need to exercise if I am going to start feeling better!



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